August 16, 2012

Throwback Thursday: Shel Silverstein

I'm a big fan of words. If you know me, you know this is true. I talk a lot, I write a lot, and I listen to a lot of music - not always for the pretty voices or instruments, but for the words. It amazes me how some writers put words together. Some great writers don't just write lyrics, but poems, stories and novels as well. Today's throwback is a very random choice, but it comes from a man who made a life putting words together. An accomplished musician, lyricist, poet, artist, screenwriter, and author…..Shel Silverstein did it all. Do yourself a favor and read up on this guy. If you don't recognize his name, maybe you'll recognize this:

He has touched many lives with his work.

One of his most famous songs was "A Boy Named Sue", made famous by Johnny Cash.  Here is Shel appearing on "The Johnny Cash Show."

Next, here is one of Shel's song, sung by Willie Nelson.

And lastly, for any of you that are partial to the drug induced, rock and roll party of the '70s, this is for you!  This song, along with a lot of Dr. Hook's songs, were written by Mr. Silverstein.

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